2020 Canadian Book Club Award – WINNER

The Canadian Book Club Awards are the ultimate readers-choice awards for authors AND readers. Book clubs from across the country vote for the best books in their chosen genre. Lions in the Grass is the 2020 Winner in the category of Business / Self Help
Best in Show for Individual Marketer Winner: Bill Morrison of Newterra Marketing Consulting
If you recall the land of OZ, Dorothy and her crew were manipulated by a persuasive wizard who then shared personalized advice on self-improvement.
Bill Morrison can relate.
After a career creating line-ups of chair-throwing-hair-pulling-buyer-madness, in 2020 Bill wrote his 1st book. “Lions in the Grass, a Marketing Insider’s Guide to Mass Persuasion.”
“Lions” teaches the methods persuaders use to access our emotions and influence what we like, where we shop, and which brands we desire. Helpful info if you wish to create win-win scenarios while selling anything to anyone, anywhere.
With no ghostwriter or agent, Bill learned to write the words people read, self-publish and help others use the power of emotional persuasion.
Bill’s sole purpose for writing “Lions” is to help others emotionally connect their offering with their audience.
Released October 2020 “Lions” climbed to Amazon’s # one best-selling book in “Marketing” and “Marketing & Sales.” For a new, unrepresented writer to pass the likes of Daniel Pink and Malcolm Gladwell is unheard of.
In December “Lions” won the National Book Club Award as voted by Canadian readers and has sold in almost every Province, the US, the UK and Europe.